Practical Road Test Checklist



This practical road test check list is a guide to identify the strength and weak areas of the candidate.


v Major and minor faults

IMMEDIATE FAILS (major faults):

    Failure to stop at red signal, stop sign or stop line:

·         Red signal:

When the vehicle proceeds through a junction on a Red Signal without a complete stop.

·         Stop sign or Stop Line:

·         When the vehicle proceeds through a junction without stopping

            (complete stop)

·         When the vehicle had stopped earlier at a distance of more than 3

             meters away from the stop line, and fails to stop again at the stop

             line. (For example, stopped behind another vehicle and failed to stop again on               stop sign/line after the front vehicle moved off)

·         Stops more than 0.5 meter beyond/ after the Stop Line.


    Colliding with any mobile or immobile object, or making an action causing collision or triggering intervention of the examiner or causing any other motorist to swerve to avoid collision:

·         Colliding with any mobile object or immobile object or making an action

causing collision or:

·         When the candidate’s vehicle collides with another vehicle /

              pedestrian / cyclist due to improper action on the part of the


·         When the candidate’s vehicle collides with road kerb / fixed object

·         Triggering intervention of the examiner:

·         Candidate is slow in reacting to danger caused by others or by the candidate and examiner reacted by applying the dual brakes or assisting the steering wheel in order to prevent a collision.


·          Causing any other motorist to swerve to avoid collision:

·         When the candidate’s improper action causing any other vehicle to apply heavy braking or suddenly avoid the candidate’s vehicle.

·         Fail to check blind spot 2 times.

·         Stalled engine 2 times.

    Not adhering to Traffic Signs or examiners directions (entering NO Entry Sign or Yellow Box Junction) or driving on the wrong side of the road.

·         Not adhering to Traffic Signs;

·         When the candidate fails to obey any Mandatory/Prohibitory signs, Speed limit sign

·          Exceed the speed of the limit of the road by more than 5 km/h for 10 seconds or more.

·         Yellow Box Junction:

·          Any part of the vehicle remains stationary in the Yellow Box junction road marking

·          When the candidate crosses a solid white or yellow continuous line on the road.

·          Fail to follow the directional arrows

Not applicable when the vehicle crosses the line while passing fix or moving object (vehicles/pedestrians…)

·         When the candidate does not conform to the directional arrows indicated on the lanes (i.e. straight, right and left turns).

·         Whilst positioning to turn left crosses or touch the center line.

·         Pedestrian crossings:

·         When the candidate stops the vehicle on the pedestrian crossing

·          When the candidate does not stop the vehicle for pedestrians to cross the road at pedestrian crossing.

Not applicable when the pedestrian has walked past the vehicle path of travel for more than 5 meters.

   Lack of vehicle control to the extent that proceeding with the test is deemed hazardous, or failure to follow the required maneuvers:

·         Lack of vehicle control to the extent that proceeding with the test is deemed hazardous:

Vehicle control:

Ø  Poor co-ordination of accelerator, clutch and brake pedal that resulted in repeatedly stalling of engine 3 of more times.

Ø  Revved the speed of the engine above 5,000 rpm for normal driving.

Ø  Heavy and late braking that screeching sounds can be heard.

·         Failure to follow the required maneuvers:

Ø   Fail follow examiner’s instructions for 2 or more times after clarifications of the instructions were clearly heard.

Ø   Not ensuring the all doors are closed completely.

Ø   Candidate and or any passengers fail to use seat belts.

Ø  Unable to start the engine and or move off in more than 1 min (excluding

adjusting seat and mirrors).

    Failure to ensure the road, lane or roundabout is clear before entering:

·         Failure to ensure the road, lane or roundabout is clear before entering:

Fail to give way

Ø  When the vehicle with the right of way brakes heavily and or takes evasive actions to avoid a crash with the candidate’s vehicle on the following situation:

a) When moving off from a stationary position.

b) When changing lanes or overtaking.

c) When entering a roundabout

d) When making a U-Turn or cross traffic

Changing Lane without due care

Ø   The candidate fails to give signal, checks the mirrors and blind spot before changing lanes.


v MINOR FAULTS : (more than 12 will result to failure):


 Pre-Drive Checks

1- Not ensuring the doors are closed – immediate failure

2- Fail to adjust the seat & mirrors (Adjust the mirrors or the seat after moved off.)

3- Not using seat belt– immediate failure

4- Unable to operate the wipers

5- Unable to operate the lights

6- Unable to start engine– immediate failure

7- Unable to operate the horn correctly

     Mirrors & Observation

1- Does not check sometimes

 2- Checks too late (Fail to check the mirrors within 5 seconds before Turning)

 3- Does not check on before lane change (Fail to check the mirrors within 5 seconds before Changing lanes/overtaking)

 4- Does not check before signalling or braking (Fail to check the mirrors before moving off and slowing down)


1- Does not signal sometimes (Fail to signal)

 2- Signals too early

 3- Signals too late (Signal is given in less than 3 seconds before the maneuver is executed.)

 4- Does not signal on a lane change.

 5- Gives wrong signal (Fail to cancel signal, 5 seconds after finishing the maneuver)

     Lane change

1-      Does not take an available gap (Hesitating/Misjudge the speed and distance of the   approaching vehicle)

2-       Squeezes into too small gap.

3-      Reduces speed unnecessarily. (Does not maintain sufficient speed during/after the changing lanes. Reduces speed when changing lanes when the speed should have been maintained or increased)

4-       Unsteady movement (losing vehicle control while doing checks)

5-       Does not do a head check (Fail to check blind spot within 5 seconds before changing lanes/ if 2 times it will result to– immediate failure- / Takes more than 1 second to check blind spot.)

6-       Sudden swerving (Abrupt Lane change– immediate failure)

      Overtaking / Passing

1- Overtake in a restricted area (solid line, pedestrian crossing, inside junction…– immediate failure)

2- Does not overtake if necessary (Stops behind a stationary vehicle when it is safe to overtake it.)

3- Not returning to correct lane (safe lane)

Fails to change down to lower gear to build up speed in order to quickly complete the overtaking process.


1- Presses the clutch on approach to an intersection or curve (Fails to use engine brake by depressing the clutch when the vehicle speed is more than 20 km/h)

2- Very hard braking.


3- Too fast approach (Approaches junctions or hazards with speed exceeding the safe speed for that condition by 20%) Example: children at road side, safe speed to pass is 25 km/h. candidate drives at more than 30 km/h.

4- Too slow approach

       Position stop

 1- Stops twice, unnecessarily

 2- Stops the vehicle with wheels on the stop line /touching the lines

 3- Not stopping in the right position (Stops the vehicle more than 2 meters behind the stop line. That will cause a poor vision while checking. When the candidate leaves a gap of more than 1 meter from either side before turning. The gap should be less than 1 meter)

4- Not using hand brake, when necessary, roll back less than 15 cm.

5- Vehicle rolls back/forth when moving from a position stop.


1- Does not reduce speed and look in the correct direction

2- Does not give way to pedestrians and cyclists– immediate failure (Fails to anticipate road users’ behavior, by failing to react appropriately to pedestrians and any other hazards / facing pedestrian: 1-meter gap not facing pedestrian:1.5-meter stationery object: 1 meter moving object:1.5-meter parked vehicle: 1-meter (with people inside 1.5-meter)

3- Does not give way to vehicles– immediate failure (Getting in the way of other vehicles causing them to slow down or change direction with no danger of a crash)

4- Stops the vehicle unnecessarily. (Stopping unnecessarily at Give Way sign for vehicles or pedestrians crossing when it’s safe to proceed.)

       Left turns (R/A & U-turn)

1- does not start from the correct lane or line of traffic. (turn into wrong lane)

2- does not follow road markings– immediate failure

3- does not finish turn in one lane. (Does not keep the vehicle entirely within the line of traffic or lane markings when negotiating the turn.)

Improper turning:

Ø  The vehicle crosses the lane marking (touch the line) when making the turn or turns into a lane other than a desired one. – immediate failure

          Right turn

1-      Does not start from the correct lane or line of traffic.

Ø  When the candidate leaves a gap of more than 1 meter from right side while turning.

Ø   Does not enter to the center of the road being entered.

Ø  Turns into a lane other than a desired one– immediate failure

2-      Does not follow road markings– immediate failure

3-      Does not finish turn in one lane.

           Left turns & U-turn

1-      does not start from the correct lane or line of traffic

Ø  turn into wrong lane

2-       does not follow road markings

Ø  with no danger of accident

3-       does not finish turn in one lane

Ø  Does not keep the vehicle entirely within the line of traffic or lane

markings when negotiating the turn.


Improper turning:

Ø  The vehicle crosses the lane marking when making the turn.


Ø  Turns into a lane other than a desired one.


1-      Drives too slowly for the road conditions

        Drives at a speed below 20% of the traffic and road conditions

2-      Drives too fast for the road conditions

Drives at a speed above 20% of the traffic and road conditions

3-      Does not move off after stopping (Slow - Hesitating - Fast)

Candidate fails to move off at a junction

Ø  in 5 seconds after the traffic light has turned green.

Ø  in 5 seconds after the front vehicle has moved off.

Ø  When turning right, traffic from the left is 5 seconds away

Ø  When turning left, traffic from the right is 7 seconds away

§  At pedestrian crossing, candidate fails to move off in 5

seconds after the pedestrian has passed for 5 meters or


        Position on the road

1-      Drives too close to the curb

2-      Drives either too far right or too far left of their lane

Ø  Candidate is expected to drive in the correct position on a straight road or bends.

Ø  When the vehicle moves to right or left momentarily by more than

Ø  0.5 meters

§  When proceeding straight road

§  When negotiating a curve

§  When checking blind spot or mirrors prior to lane

                changing or overtaking.

3-      Drives in two lanes

4-      Not using the correct lane. - immediate failure

        Gear usage

1-      Chooses incorrect gear

Ø   Uses wrong gear to moving off.

 When changing gears, consideration is given on the load of the vehicle (i.e. more than 2 passengers in the during)

Ø  Delays in changing gears for more than 3 sec under favorable traffic condition.

2-      Does not change gear smoothly.

3-      Switches to neutral while moving.

4-      Gear still engaged after stopping.

5-      Stalls the vehicle (2 times: immediate failure)

           Safety margin

1-      Does not allow enough distance from the vehicle Infront.

Ø  Candidate drives with a following distance of less than 2 seconds for 5 seconds or more. In adverse conditions, the candidate following distance

                  should not be less than 4 seconds

2-      Does not leave enough room when passing a fixed or mobile object.

Ø  Fails to keep a side clearance of 1.5 meter from a moving vehicle or 1 meter from stationary vehicle.

3-      Stops too close behind another vehicle.

Ø  Stops behind the front vehicle with less than 1.5 meters for LMV (unable to see the full rear wheels of the front vehicle) and 3 meters from an HMV.

       Parking (in)

Ø  Fail to check mirrors and signal before stopping.

Ø  Fail to stops the vehicle completely away front the main stream of traffic.

Ø  Improperly Park the vehicle in the bay/lot

        Parking (out)

Ø  Fail to check mirrors before moving off.

Ø  Fail to signal before moving off.

Ø  Fails to check blind spot before moving off.

Important: there are 2 ways the candidate may fail the test:

1-      Through the application of 1(major mistake) immediate fail criteria.

2-      Accumulating 13 or more minor mistakes.

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